jeudi 31 janvier 2013

Definition of market

Definition of market:

By adopting the neoclassical theory, a market can be defined as the
meeting a supply and demand which results in fixing a price
assignment, that is to say that the applicant is willing to pay to acquire the product and
the supplier is willing to accept to sell their product.
But as noted by Dubois & Jolibert economic theory based on the idea
rational choice of agents whose assumptions are unrealistic. Despite delivery
into question some of these restrictive assumptions by authors such as Lancaster
with the "New Economic Theory", the definition of a market from the
economic development, has little interest in the operational plan for man
As noted Lindon & Lendrevie, "the word is used by market people
marketing in two different senses but complementary:
- For the purposes étroit1 is meant by this term a set of figures
on the size, structure and evolution of sales of a product;
- For the purposes Wide2, called all the public market could
influence on the sales of a product or more generally
the activities of an organization. "
In other words, learn about the market, is to study all the forces
governing these exchanges in a market.

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